The Great Faith of the lofty Supreme Being brings Peace and Democracy
The Holy See (Tòa Thánh) and the Holy City (Thánh Địa) as well as the original center of the Cao Đài Religion are in the province of Tây Ninh, Việt Nam. The Holy City, an area of about 20,328 hectares, is divided into 18 sections or neighborhoods and is administered by the Church. The Holy See is the site of the Main Temple, the administrative offices, residences for dignitaries and disciples working on the grounds, a hospital, a school, an orphanage, a home for the aged, and other major facilities.
Since 1975, the Holy See has fallen into the total control of the secular government and its false Sacerdotal Council.
Aerial view of the Holy See
Bow to the Temples of the Third Amnesty and togerther enjoy Liberty
The temporary temple of the Mother Buddha. The Temple's original purpose is to worship those who made great contributions to the Nation. While the Faith waits for the construction of the official Mother Buddha Temple, this one serves as the temporary house of worship.
The statue depicts the time when prince Siddartha (the secular name of the Gautama Buddha) left his palace to search for liberation or the end to sufferings.
This tomb is supposed to house the relics of His Holiness. However, His relics still remain in Cambodia due to the domestic complications. Until the complications are resolved, the tomb still remains empty. The local government once claimed to have brought His relics back, but actually have faked the act.